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Guess the number of eggs in the jar to win an ‘egg-cellent’ prize!

We’re obsessed with the accuracy of our telecom network asset valuations. So we thought it would be fun to find out just how accurate you can be. Simply guess the number of eggs in the jar to find out!

Take a guess, how many eggs are in the jar?

Enter the most accurate guess by midnight on Tuesday 11th April to win a €200 / £200 / $200 donation to a charity of your choice. We’ll notify the winner via email. One entry per unique email address. Good luck!

Drumroll, please!! 🥁

…And the winner of our TXO Easter Egg Challenge is Adrian K. from Waikato University, Auckland. Huge congratulations for guessing the closest number of eggs in the jar (which was 149)!!👏.

Adrian won £200 to donate to a charity of his choice. He chose the Kantha Bopha Foundation, established by Dr. Beat Richner, a Swiss pediatrician, who dedicated his life to improving the health of millions of Cambodian children. ❤️ Find out more here:

We want to thank everyone who participated in this competition. We had a great time reading through all of the entries and were impressed by how close so many of you came to guessing the exact number of eggs in the jar.

Stay tuned for more exciting competitions & opportunities. 👀